404 | Bai lieng pad khai
Stir fried Malindjo leaves with egg and dried shrimps
349 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

401 | mieng hoy shell
Scallops wrapped in leaves with Thai herbs sauce
499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

407 | Chicken Pandanus leaf
With tamarine sauce
399 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

403 | Koong ob wunsen
Casseroled prawns with glass noodles
499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

402 | koong sauce makham
Fried prawns with Tamarind sauce
499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

002 | Thai board
Shrimp spring rolls, chicken wings, spinach spring rolls, chicken satay.
With sweet chili sauce & plum sauce
749 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

024 | 泰式四棱豆虾沙拉
549 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

033 | 青木瓜芒果沙拉
349 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

034 | 普吉鱼片沙拉
499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes & services.

211 | 泰式鲜虾豉油炒面
549 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

303 | Pla Rad Phrik 配米饭
499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

314 | 白鲷鱼排 配米饭
549 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

316 | 大虾玛莎曼咖喱 配米饭
499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

405 | Laab salmon
Thai spicy salmon salad with Thai herbs and onion.
549 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

406 | Hormok taley
Steam seafood with curry paste.
549 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

408 | 泰式青咖喱
With chicken | 399 ฿
With beef | 399 ฿
With shrimps | 499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

409 | 泰式罗勒叶炒肉
With chicken | 449 ฿
With shrimps | 549 ฿
With beef | 499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

410| 菠萝炒饭
449 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

253| 泰式椰汁鸡汤
449 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

255| 冬陰海鲜汤
449 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

411 |腰果炒鸡肉
449 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.

412 | 泰式炒粉 / Pad Thai
With chicken | 399 ฿
With shrimps | 499 ฿
NET PRICE | All our prices include taxes.